Bugeisha Commemorative Issue Volume 1 is now available. Volume 2 will be available shortly.
Bugeisha Martial Arts Magazine has been a terrific source of information. These final two volumes conclude the magazine.
Angel Lemus passed one year ago and these volumes contain tributes to Angel followed by compilations of the Amazon released issues.
Angel had such an impact upon people around the world and is deeply missed.
Note: There is a page limit in Amazon so this edition was broken into two volumes.
Bugeisha, the World's favorite Traditional Martial Arts Magazine!

Bugeisha brings you a new era of Traditional Martial Arts journalism as a quarterly Magazine.
After a 23 year hiatus Bugeisha returned in January 2021, bigger and better with some of the original authors and many new ones to bring you the type of traditional martial arts coverage you have been missing and asking for.
Bugeisha brings you the types of articles that interest you. Articles about real traditional martial arts and its practitioners (living and legendary) from Okinawa, Japan, China and more. Covering topics like karate, kung-fu, kobudo, history, technique, vital points, weponry, and much more!
Available at Amazon.com
Bugeisha is sold as a quarterly via Amazon.com, future pricing may vary depending on volume and formatting.
Click the price options above to take you to Amazon.com directly.

Bugeisha Collectors' Edition
During its 2 year existence (1996-1998) Bugeisha covered the classic arts of Okinawa and Japan like no other magazine of its time. It broke new ground and provided a breath of fresh air to a Martial Arts market saturated with commercialism and trivia. It became an immediate Classic. Its fresh Approach and coverage of the traditional martial arts made it the cult publication it is today.
Now you can enjoy all of Bugeisha in this Collector’s Edition. All 6 issues plus a bonus never before published issue number 7. This little magazine became a Giant of its time which inspired and educated the traditional martial artist.
Bonus! Never before published issue #7
included in this collector's volume.

Empty hand and weapons fighting arts
Bugeisha focuses on empty hand and weapons fighting arts of Okinawa, China, and Japan, covering subject like technique, history & training.
The subject matter for dedicated traditional martial artists.



